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The Balance Between Workouts and Sleep

When most people first try to take advantage of the many benefits of regular exercise, they're apt to spend plenty of...

How Seniors Can Live an Active Lifestyle

Staying healthy and active is important at any age. But, as you get older, it becomes even more vital to take care of...

Women's Body Positivity: Feel Your Best Working Out

To be body positive means you accept your body regardless of your physical ability, size, gender, race, or appearance...

Strength Training without the Bulk

One thing I often hear from clients is they don't want to get too bulky. They don't want to look big like those bodyb...

What about rowers?

The investment in a high-quality rower is well worth it––where else are you going to find a machine that works 84 per...

Improving Your Workout While Home Isolated

Health experts are advising people to keep moving and leading active lifestyles even when they are home isolated. But...

5 Steps to Train Your Dog to Walk on a Treadmill

If you’ve been spending increased time indoors, as many of us have, your dog may be suffering from a serious case of ...

Travel Fitness: 9 Ways to Stay Fit

Are you one of those people who find it hard to stay healthy and fit while traveling? At some point in our lives, we'...

Am I working out too much?

Did you know: it is possible to exercise too much! If you have that motivation and you are working out as much as you...

What to Ask When Shopping for Fitness Equipment

How to Know What Treadmill Is Right for You: The Top 3 Questions When Shopping for Fitness Equipment Ready to get fit...

Forever Young: Biohacking Your Mind and Body

Let’s face it: Getting older isn’t for wimps. It’s hard. It’s painful. But it certainly beats the alternative. Aging ...

As Seen on TV Fitness: Is It Worth It?

When it comes to exercise equipment, you’ve seen it all on TV. Late night television often features commercials for c...
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