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The Best Treadmill Workouts for Beginners

Having a cardio routine is an important part of any fitness plan.  Good cardiovascular fitness reduces the risk of he...

How Much Weekly Weight Loss?

At some point in your weight loss journey — usually, the beginning — you may wonder about how much weight loss you'll...

Sun's Out, Guns Out! 

Getting Great Arms for Summer Summer's almost here, and it's time to go back out and show off the bodies we've been w...

The Link Between Sleep and Weight Loss

When we don’t get enough sleep, we’re sluggish the next day. We might even make poor choices or have slower responses...

Five Minute Energy Boosting Exercises

With so many people working from home — and the trend likely to continue in the coming years — it has become more imp...

Spring into Fitness: renew your fitness goals

Why wait for summer to roll around when you can jump-start your fitness goals now? Spring is the perfect transitional...

How to Allergy Proof Your Home Workout

Allergies are always miserable, but trying to push through a workout with allergies is another level of discomfort. T...

Healthy Meals With What You Have On Hand

Cooking tasty healthy meals doesn’t require a trip to the store. With a few kitchen staples and a little creativity, ...

Male Hormones and Weight Gain

Most men think they understand the rules around weight loss, diet and exercise — but they often don't understand the ...

Female Hormones and Weight Gain

How Female Hormones Affect Weight Loss and Fat Storage ‌If you’ve tried every possible diet under the sun and still c...

5 Ways to Keep Active in Winter

Winter can put the chill on even the most die-hard fitness enthusiasts. During summer, working out can be as simple ...

Inspire Fitness FT1 or FT2?

   Inspire Fitness is a very well known name in the fitness world. Their prized fitness equipment, and especially t...
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