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How to Allergy Proof Your Home Workout

Allergies are always miserable, but trying to push through a workout with allergies is another level of discomfort. T...

Healthy Meals With What You Have On Hand

Cooking tasty healthy meals doesn’t require a trip to the store. With a few kitchen staples and a little creativity, ...

Top 5 Podcasts for Home Workouts

With our busy schedules, getting in a workout can be a challenge for anyone. For many of us, we need extra motivation...

Why Your Weight Doesn’t Really Matter

‌“Start the New Year right by committing to your weight loss goals!” “Summer is around the corner. Make sure your bea...

3 Home Updates for a Healthier Life

In such unpredictable times, two things are certain: people are spending more time at home and they are putting more ...

Ten Fitness Tips for Parents

There’s no doubt about it: parents are superheroes. Day in and day out they balance work, childcare, meals, and count...

Ten Simple Ways to Raise Fit Kids

Between tablets, cell phones, and never-ending streaming services, there's no shortage of pursuits that plant kiddos ...

10 Ideas for Your Next Treat or Cheat Meal

Even people who have their eating habits dialed in need a treat now and then! If you’re looking for some new cheat me...

How to Include Pets in Your Fitness Routine

There are many perks to having a pet – especially a dog. But, one of the biggest benefits is that they can instantly ...

Why Walking is Beneficial for People With Diabetes

Living with any of the various forms of diabetes causes individuals to adopt healthy lifestyle habits to manage their...

5 Healthy Holiday Tips

Now is not the time to let yourself slide into unhealthy habits, which is why we’ve got you covered with these tips a...

How to Build a Home Gym on $500 or Less

Let's get real. Obviously, we all dream of a beautiful state-of-the-art home fitness room, complete with high end car...
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