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5 Tips to Get Out of a Training Rut

The benefits of a workout are nearly endless, but it is easy to get stuck in a rut that makes the workout feel like a...

Set Your 2022 New Years Fitness Resolution

If you’re serious about getting it together in 2022, this New Years resolutions guide is for you. We’re going to brea...

5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

While there’s no magic formula that can keep you from getting sick, there is a lot you can do to build up your body’s...

Cardio or Strength First?

As you get ready to work out, do you find yourself wondering where to start? Is it best to start with cardio or stren...

No Fun, No Gain: Making Exercise Fun!

Naturally, we are likely to repeat activities that we enjoy. Our brains are wired that way, and there is no point in ...

Treadmill or Elliptical: How Many Calories Burned?

It’s no secret that the advent of binge-watching Netflix and endlessly scrolling through Instagram feeds has caused A...

Beginner BOSU Ball Ab Workout

Whether you’re looking to step up your at-home workout or add a little variety to your fitness routine, the BOSU ball...

Treadmill or Elliptical: How to Add HIIT

Are your workouts starting to get stale? Do you feel like you’re hitting a fitness plateau? If so, cardio HIIT traini...

Getting a Gym-Quality Workout at Home

With recent concerns about coronavirus (COVID-19), you might be thinking about skipping the gym. The World Health Org...

Cardio + Strength Training = Total Workout Success

Exercise keeps us both physically and mentally sharp, and it's an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. If you want t...

Lose 20 Pounds this month? Stop Right There.

Guest blog written by Devon Kroesche, submitted by Andrew M. Wade, RDN, LDN, founder and owner of Case Specific Nutri...

High Impact vs. Low Impact Exercise

What is the difference between high impact, low impact, and no impact exercise? When done properly, both high and lo...
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