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Great Ideas for Gym Class at Home

You’ve carefully considered the elements of your child’s home education during this crazy time. You have a home class...

The Mirror: an expert review

The Mirror: Is it the newest, greatest gadget in the fitness industry? Is it a game changer? Read on, or contact a lo...

A Daily Plan to Lose Weight Fast: Treadmill Walking

There are a few things that challenge us when we start a weight loss journey. First, we know there are many options f...

7 Reasons You Should Do Sit-Ups Every Day

With all the exercise options available today, simple sit-ups can seem outdated. But there’s a reason this classic ex...

Should you lift when you're sore?

He rose from the table slowly and painfully. It looked like his knees were going to give out. He could barely fully e...

How to Build a Home Gym on $500 or Less

Let's get real. Obviously, we all dream of a beautiful state-of-the-art home fitness room, complete with high end car...

FAQ: Exercise Bikes

With spin classes sporting snappy names popping up in nearly every major city in America, indoor cycling has experien...

My Walk Through Dementia

Getting old is inevitable and it is something that we must face gracefully. Most people will feel like the changes in...

Treadmill or Elliptical? How to Choose.

You've made the commitment to get serious about your home workout routine. Now all you have to do is invest in the ri...

FAQ: Indoor Rowing Machines

Listen closely. Do you hear it? That's the sound of nearly 13 million Americans enjoying the satisfying swoosh sound ...

How to Use a Vibration Roller

There are many things you can do to optimize your fitness routine. You can search for the right programs, equipment, ...

5 Time Saving Workouts for Work-at-Home Warriors

What are the best workouts to do in the least amount of time? In the age of coronavirus, many people are rebuilding ...
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