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Five Minute Energy Boosting Exercises

With so many people working from home — and the trend likely to continue in the coming years — it has become more imp...

Easy Ways to Avoid Workout Injuries

Working out helps us feel good and live our best lives, so the last thing we want to deal with is an injury that will...

Summer Workout Safety Tips

Summer is a great time to work out – especially if you want to exercise outside and boost your benefits! There are so...

The Benefits of Randomizing Exercises

As with many things in life, it can be easy to fall into a rut with your workout routine. It's natural to gravitate t...

FAQ: Battle Ropes

Battle ropes are some of the hottest pieces of exercise equipment — and for good reason. They not only look cool, the...

Why should you train with a weighted vest?

Maybe you’re looking for a new workout challenge or perhaps you simply want additional equipment for your home gym. H...

Staying Fit and Healthy in College

There are plenty of cliches about how unhealthy college students can be. From the “Freshman 15” to ideas of excessive...

10 Tips for Fitness Resolutions

We’ve all watched New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside before we’ve even hit February. No more! This is the yea...

New Year, New You: Fitness Resolutions

How many New Year’s resolutions have you made—and failed? It’s one thing to make resolutions. It’s another thing enti...

What Time of Day Is Best to Workout?

There is an age-old debate over which time of day is the best for training — morning, afternoon, or night?  What's th...

A Daily Plan to Lose Weight Fast: Treadmill Walking

There are a few things that challenge us when we start a weight loss journey. First, we know there are many options f...
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