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Do you REALLY need to clean Home Fitness Equipment?

You’ve spent a lot of your hard-earned money on building your personal gym and therefore, you should take care of it ...

Small Steps That Lead to a Healthier You

Health should always be a priority, but it’s easy to lose sight of health goals with the daily grind — especially du...

Ten Fitness Tips for Parents

There’s no doubt about it: parents are superheroes. Day in and day out they balance work, childcare, meals, and count...

How to Read (and UNDERSTAND) Nutrition Labels

For something people interact with on a near-daily basis, nutrition labels are surprisingly confounding. Reading them...

7 Fundamental Fitness Movements to Master

As you get started on your fitness journey, you may be tempted to jump into strength training or cardio routines. But...

Ten Tips to Reduce Your Chance of Injury

Exercise caters to the individual. You might want to tone up for summer weather, while someone else wants to prepare ...

Ten Simple Ways to Raise Fit Kids

Between tablets, cell phones, and never-ending streaming services, there's no shortage of pursuits that plant kiddos ...

The Best Fitness Apps

If you’re looking to kick your fitness goals into high gear, look no further than these top fitness apps: iFit iFit i...

The Benefits of Randomizing Exercises

As with many things in life, it can be easy to fall into a rut with your workout routine. It's natural to gravitate t...

10 Easy Tips for Self Care

There is no disputing it: This has been the most stressful time most of us have been through. As we move towards norm...

10 Ideas for Your Next Treat or Cheat Meal

Even people who have their eating habits dialed in need a treat now and then! If you’re looking for some new cheat me...

A Guide to Medicine Balls

Medicine balls have a long history as effective fitness tools. Having evolved far beyond their humble beginnings as a...
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