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Staying Fit for Your Safety

  Most people understand that staying fit and healthy can benefit everything from their heart to their waistline. But...

Fitness Resolutions to Consider for the New Year

As 2021 is coming to a close, you are probably thinking about your fitness goals for the new year. It’s important to ...

Benefits of Workout Apps like iFIT

Beginning the path to a healthier life can be difficult. Every year, millions of people vow to get fit, but they lose...

The Best Home Fitness Equipment for 2022

In the past few years, there has been a massive exodus from the traditional gym model. The combination of public fear...

Easy Ways to Avoid Workout Injuries

Working out helps us feel good and live our best lives, so the last thing we want to deal with is an injury that will...

Is it safe to go to the gym?

COVID-19 has had an immense impact not just on the framework of our daily lives, but also on our mental health and we...

3 Home Updates for a Healthier Life

In such unpredictable times, two things are certain: people are spending more time at home and they are putting more ...

Gym Guru’s Guide to Healthy Skin

There are many benefits that can come from working out. From helping you sleep better at night, to reducing your chan...

Summer Workout Safety Tips

Summer is a great time to work out – especially if you want to exercise outside and boost your benefits! There are so...

Vintage Fitness Trends That Are Still Effective

The pursuit of fitness is as old as the hills. From Ancient Greece to Jazzercise, striving for peak health has been a...

How to Create a Weekly Menu for Your Family

What if we told you healthy eating doesn’t have to be as difficult as you think it is? What if we told you there was ...

Fitness Tips to Help You Sleep Better at Night

If you’re truly invested in your health, you probably already know that fitness and sleep go hand-in-hand. Getting en...
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