5 Ways to Keep Active in Winter

Winter can put the chill on even the most die-hard fitness enthusiasts.

winter activities

During summer, working out can be as simple and fun as heading to the park for some volleyball or going on a hike or a long bike ride. Cold and wet weather removes many options, and this season brings all the additional challenges of a pandemic.

So how do you stay motivated and fit through the long slog of winter?

Here are five ways to keep active in the winter: 

1. Be Outdoorsy

Winter doesn’t have to mean the end of outdoor fun and games. Cold-weather sports can be major calorie burners. Stop hibernating on your couch and make plans to go:

  • Ice-skating.
  • Cross-country skiing.
  • Downhill skiing.
  • Hiking through the snow.

Just stay safe! Make sure to bundle up and stay dry. It’s also extra important to warm up when your muscles are literally cold.

2. Be Social

Studies have shown that working out with a friend benefits health at any age. It helps increase both accountability and intensity.

Take a Zoom workout class together! See if old favorites have gone online, or try something new from the privacy of your own homes. This is your opportunity to experiment with yoga/dance/kickboxing/HIIT/Crossfit — whatever fitness craze has piqued your interest.

There are also fitness apps that allow you to check in with friends, share your struggles or successes, and support one another as you work towards your goals. 

3. Be Competitive

Sometimes, runners or cyclists need an extra push from friends or “foes.” If that sounds like you, the designers behind the social fitness app Strava had you in mind.

Strava lets you “race” others — record your times on given routes and pit them against others doing the same workout at different times. 

If you’re not a racer but would benefit from a little gamification, give Fitocracy a try. The app lets you level up, earn badges, and unlock new workouts. 

You can also push yourself by designating milestones and rewarding yourself when you hit them. New fitness toys can help motivate you before and after purchase.

4. Be Creative

Variety is important, so switch up those workouts to keep both mind and body engaged.

There are fun stories you can work into training. The popular Zombies, Run! will structure your runs around town or treadmill sessions into a tale of zombie-apocalypse survival. Other apps have followed its success and will present new stories to scare you healthy.

Or give BitGym a try. The app will turn any treadmill/elliptical/stationary bike into a trek across the most gorgeous terrain on earth. To make it even more realistic, add some incline to your machine.

5. Be Ready

Set yourself up for success with motivational tricks. Put your exercise clothes on immediately after work, turn the heat up for morning yoga, or get your blood pumping with the right song for your alarm. 

Check back regularly for more fun ideas and tips to keep you going all winter long. We’ve got the gear and the knowledgeable staff to help you meet your goals.

Contact us today and let us know how we can help!

Ready to build the home fitness room of your dreams? 

Request a free consultation here.

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