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Fragile to Agile: Working out with Joint Problems

Many of us were high school athletes. And many of us still revel in memories of those days on the field, in the gym, ...

Top 5 Aromatherapy Tips for Workouts

When you think about workout essentials, essential oil might not be at the top of your must-have list. In recent year...

Cardio + Strength Training = Total Workout Success

Exercise keeps us both physically and mentally sharp, and it's an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. If you want t...

Get Fit In A Super-Size World

Today's world is filled with things that make plus-size living seem easier than a fit life. From decadent desserts to...

How to choose the right workout clothes

Having the proper workout attire in place in order to complete your exercises can sometimes be just as crucial as hav...

5 Tips to Get You Ready for A Killer Workout

Working out can be a daunting task, especially if you haven’t seen gains in the gym. We all want each workout to brin...

How To Stay Fit On Vacation

When you’re on vacation, it can be all too easy to let go of your regular workout routines. How many times are we gui...

5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Home Workout

Working out is beneficial for both your mind and body. But, if you really want to increase your fitness or muscle gai...

How to Declutter Your Life

To clear out the clutter in your life, we'll take a look at the physical and emotional clutter. Download our Declutte...

The top 3 reasons you should drink more water

For most of us, the importance of drinking enough water is something that we’ve had drilled into us since we were kid...

6 Ways to Maximize Your Elliptical Workout

Ellipticals are fantastic tools for cardiovascular fitness. They don’t artificially elevate your rate of perceived ex...

Goat Yoga. Yes, With Actual Goats.

There's Vinyasa yoga, there's Bikram yoga, there's hot yoga––the list goes on and on. The most intriguing yoga class ...
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