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Why Do You Need An Exercise Schedule?

Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or you’re a proven workout aficionado, you may find yourself wonder...

7 Reasons to do pullups every day

The benefits of pull ups can create amazing, physique changing results. Why should you do pull ups every day? Here ar...

Should you lift when you're sore?

He rose from the table slowly and painfully. It looked like his knees were going to give out. He could barely fully e...

5 Time Saving Workouts for Work-at-Home Warriors

What are the best workouts to do in the least amount of time? In the age of coronavirus, many people are rebuilding ...

How to Form A Healthy Habit

First you form habits, then they form you. This adage is true for both negative behaviors like cigarette smoking and...

7 Fun Ways to Get Fit as a Family

Staying fit is one of the hardest things to maintain for a lot of reasons. First off, it's difficult because people t...

How Get the Most Effective Workout

When embarking on a new fitness journey, the time devoted to working out is extremely valuable. Considering how fast-...

Treadmill or Elliptical: How to Add HIIT

Are your workouts starting to get stale? Do you feel like you’re hitting a fitness plateau? If so, cardio HIIT traini...

How to Start Working Out for Beginners

New to exercising? That’s awesome! Exercising brings a host of meaningful benefits to your mind, body, and overall we...

A Simple Body Weight Workout

Body weight workouts are excellent alternatives to classic gym exercises that lead to surprisingly impressive results...

Creating a Fitness Journal

A fitness journal is an incredibly useful tool to help you grow along your fitness journey. With a fitness journal, y...

10 Home Exercise Ideas for kids

Right now, many parents are working from home while their kids engage in distance learning or enjoy time off of schoo...
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