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How to Wind Down After a Workout

Let’s face it, we’ve all had those days where we just do not feel like going to the gym, and there’s nothing wrong wi...

You Can Get Fit at Home

The new year is upon us, which means it's time to think about New Year's resolutions. For most of us, getting into be...

Top 5 Aromatherapy Tips for Workouts

When you think about workout essentials, essential oil might not be at the top of your must-have list. In recent year...

Get Fit In A Super-Size World

Today's world is filled with things that make plus-size living seem easier than a fit life. From decadent desserts to...

How To Stay Fit On Vacation

When you’re on vacation, it can be all too easy to let go of your regular workout routines. How many times are we gui...

5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Home Workout

Working out is beneficial for both your mind and body. But, if you really want to increase your fitness or muscle gai...

High Impact vs. Low Impact Exercise

What is the difference between high impact, low impact, and no impact exercise? When done properly, both high and lo...
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