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New Year, New You: Fitness Resolutions

How many New Year’s resolutions have you made—and failed? It’s one thing to make resolutions. It’s another thing enti...

What Time of Day Is Best to Workout?

There is an age-old debate over which time of day is the best for training — morning, afternoon, or night?  What's th...

No Fun, No Gain: Making Exercise Fun!

Naturally, we are likely to repeat activities that we enjoy. Our brains are wired that way, and there is no point in ...

Why Variety is the Key to Fitness

Variety. It's not only the spice of life. It's also the key to a killer fitness plan.  Whether your fitness goals foc...

Why Do You Need An Exercise Schedule?

Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or you’re a proven workout aficionado, you may find yourself wonder...

How to Improve Range of Motion

Our bodies have about 360 joints, each of which works in specific ways to help us move. Maintaining a healthy range o...

Get Started With a Plyo Box Workout 

Compared to state-of-the-art home gyms or high-end treadmills and ellipticals, a modest box might not seem up to snu...

7 Reasons You Should Do Push-Ups Every Day

The push-up is considered a staple to effective workout routines. It’s simple yet effective for building strength.  S...

5 Time Saving Workouts for Work-at-Home Warriors

What are the best workouts to do in the least amount of time? In the age of coronavirus, many people are rebuilding ...

Improving Your Workout While Home Isolated

Health experts are advising people to keep moving and leading active lifestyles even when they are home isolated. But...

How to Form A Healthy Habit

First you form habits, then they form you. This adage is true for both negative behaviors like cigarette smoking and...

7 Fun Ways to Get Fit as a Family

Staying fit is one of the hardest things to maintain for a lot of reasons. First off, it's difficult because people t...
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