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6 Ways to Stay Motivated To Workout at Home

Now that going to the gym is pretty much out of the question due to COVID19, workout fanatics have had to find other ...

Why Does Exercise Boost Your Mood?

A healthy, well-rounded lifestyle is made up of a balanced diet, a strong sense of social support, and routine exerci...

5 Health Things You Aren’t Doing But Should

While it is easy to believe that weight loss is the best way to track your health journey, remember that healthy livi...

Getting Started With the Keto Diet

Fun fact: America has been pursuing diet fads since the mid-19th century—when Presbyterian minister Sylvester Graham ...

Get Fit in the Gym, Lose Weight in the Kitchen

When it comes to getting the fitness results you want, one of the biggest hindrances that people face is their nutrit...

Exercise and Seasonal Affective Disorder

For many people, when the days get shorter and the temperatures get colder, seasonal depression starts to kick in. Be...

Intermittent Fasting and Random Workouts

To get the best results out of your fitness strategy, you need a routine that's as unique as you are. Your plan shoul...

Top 5 Aromatherapy Tips for Workouts

When you think about workout essentials, essential oil might not be at the top of your must-have list. In recent year...

Lose 20 Pounds this month? Stop Right There.

Guest blog written by Devon Kroesche, submitted by Andrew M. Wade, RDN, LDN, founder and owner of Case Specific Nutri...

Lower the Bar: Fitness for Real Beginners

As backwards as this might sound, if you’re just starting out or getting back into fitness, you want to set the bar l...

5 Secret Tips to Staying Motivated

The 5 secrets to staying Motivated Do you have a friend who is always motivated? He lives in the gym, never misses a ...
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