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Top 10 New Year Fitness Quotes

It’s easy to make New Year fitness goals. But after the ball drops, what’s going to motivate you to stick to your res...

No Fun, No Gain: Making Exercise Fun!

Naturally, we are likely to repeat activities that we enjoy. Our brains are wired that way, and there is no point in ...

Why You Need to Take Care of Yourself First

Self-care isn't just a trendy Instagram hashtag; it's an important part of your mental, physical, and emotional wellb...

The Balance Between Workouts and Sleep

When most people first try to take advantage of the many benefits of regular exercise, they're apt to spend plenty of...

Women's Body Positivity: Feel Your Best Working Out

To be body positive means you accept your body regardless of your physical ability, size, gender, race, or appearance...

Am I working out too much?

Did you know: it is possible to exercise too much! If you have that motivation and you are working out as much as you...

3 Tips to Safely Return to Your Gym

Ever since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic forced even the most dedicated gym-dwellers to stay indoors, the first...

Alcohol Consumption and Fitness Goals

How Alcohol Consumption––Especially During COVID-19––Can Mess With Your Fitness Goals Even before a stress-inducing g...

How to Stay Healthy During Isolation

Over the past several months, the Coronavirus has affected many aspects of our society and livelihoods. Many people i...

6 Ways to Stay Motivated To Workout at Home

Now that going to the gym is pretty much out of the question due to COVID19, workout fanatics have had to find other ...

Why Does Exercise Boost Your Mood?

A healthy, well-rounded lifestyle is made up of a balanced diet, a strong sense of social support, and routine exerci...

5 Ways Technology Can Help You Stay Healthy

Americans have had to start relying on the use of technology since the outbreak of COVID-19, which has presented some...
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