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7 Reasons You Should Do Sit-Ups Every Day

With all the exercise options available today, simple sit-ups can seem outdated. But there’s a reason this classic ex...

Should you lift when you're sore?

He rose from the table slowly and painfully. It looked like his knees were going to give out. He could barely fully e...

Strength Training without the Bulk

One thing I often hear from clients is they don't want to get too bulky. They don't want to look big like those bodyb...

10 Best Home Workouts for Biceps

You might think the only way to give your biceps a good workout is to hit the gym. Not true! You can build strong bic...

Ten Easy Dumbbell Workouts for Beginners

Most of us know that strength training is pivotal to good health. Building muscle is essential to our well-being. Tha...

Cardio + Strength Training = Total Workout Success

Exercise keeps us both physically and mentally sharp, and it's an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. If you want t...

Top 5 Questions about Home Gyms

Did you know? it is a great time to shop for a strength system for your home! There are more options than ever before...

Building a Garage Gym

If you’ve ever tried to get a home gym set up in your place, you don’t need us to tell you that it’s A LOT more diffi...

Abs Aren't Just for Show

When people think of someone fit, the image of a chiseled six-pack usually pops to the forefront. And while it’s awes...
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