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Ten Fitness Tips for Parents

There’s no doubt about it: parents are superheroes. Day in and day out they balance work, childcare, meals, and count...

10 Easy Tips for Self Care

There is no disputing it: This has been the most stressful time most of us have been through. As we move towards norm...

10 Ideas for Your Next Treat or Cheat Meal

Even people who have their eating habits dialed in need a treat now and then! If you’re looking for some new cheat me...

10 Small Steps That Lead to a Healthier You

Spring is upon us. Health should always be a priority, but it’s easy to lose sight of health goals with the daily gri...

10 Tips for Fitness Resolutions

We’ve all watched New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside before we’ve even hit February. No more! This is the yea...

What Time of Day Is Best to Workout?

There is an age-old debate over which time of day is the best for training — morning, afternoon, or night?  What's th...

The Top 10 Reasons You Should Have a Home Gym

Going to the gym is a great habit, but sometimes life gets in the way and you just can’t make it there. That’s why it...

Why Do You Need An Exercise Schedule?

Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or you’re a proven workout aficionado, you may find yourself wonder...

How to Build a Home Gym on $500 or Less

Let's get real. Obviously, we all dream of a beautiful state-of-the-art home fitness room, complete with high end car...

How Seniors Can Live an Active Lifestyle

Staying healthy and active is important at any age. But, as you get older, it becomes even more vital to take care of...

Women's Body Positivity: Feel Your Best Working Out

To be body positive means you accept your body regardless of your physical ability, size, gender, race, or appearance...

Strength Training without the Bulk

One thing I often hear from clients is they don't want to get too bulky. They don't want to look big like those bodyb...
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