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FAQ: Exercise Bikes

With spin classes sporting snappy names popping up in nearly every major city in America, indoor cycling has experien...

How Seniors Can Live an Active Lifestyle

Staying healthy and active is important at any age. But, as you get older, it becomes even more vital to take care of...

Alcohol Consumption and Fitness Goals

How Alcohol Consumption––Especially During COVID-19––Can Mess With Your Fitness Goals Even before a stress-inducing g...

5 Ways Technology Can Help You Stay Healthy

Americans have had to start relying on the use of technology since the outbreak of COVID-19, which has presented some...

5 Health Things You Aren’t Doing But Should

While it is easy to believe that weight loss is the best way to track your health journey, remember that healthy livi...

Safe Fitness in the Age of Coronavirus

It seems that in a matter of months, the new coronavirus (COVID-19) has moved to center stage in our global news. Hea...

Getting a Gym-Quality Workout at Home

With recent concerns about coronavirus (COVID-19), you might be thinking about skipping the gym. The World Health Org...

You Can Get Fit at Home

The new year is upon us, which means it's time to think about New Year's resolutions. For most of us, getting into be...

4 Home Improvements for Better Health

You’ve probably considered updating parts of your home, but have you thought of the health benefits of those renovati...
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