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5 Secret Tips to Staying Motivated

The 5 secrets to staying Motivated Do you have a friend who is always motivated? He lives in the gym, never misses a ...

The Link Between Sleep and Fitness

Sleep and great health go hand in hand, yet sleep is often the most neglected aspect of an active lifestyle - or any ...

Building a Garage Gym

If you’ve ever tried to get a home gym set up in your place, you don’t need us to tell you that it’s A LOT more diffi...

Cheap ways to workout at home: in small spaces

For many people, the idea of a “home gym” is the holy grail when it comes to working out and getting in shape.  Howev...

The Benefits of Meal Planning

the most obvious benefit to planning meals in advance is the nutrition factor. When creating your own dishes, you can...

Abs Aren't Just for Show

When people think of someone fit, the image of a chiseled six-pack usually pops to the forefront. And while it’s awes...
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