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Used Fitness Equipment for Sale Cheap

Purchasing a piece of home fitness equipment is a major investment. While it can be great for your health, it can als...

Treadmill or Elliptical? How to Choose.

You've made the commitment to get serious about your home workout routine. Now all you have to do is invest in the ri...

What to Ask When Shopping for Fitness Equipment

How to Know What Treadmill Is Right for You: The Top 3 Questions When Shopping for Fitness Equipment Ready to get fit...

Treadmill or Elliptical: How to Add HIIT

Are your workouts starting to get stale? Do you feel like you’re hitting a fitness plateau? If so, cardio HIIT traini...

Getting a Gym-Quality Workout at Home

With recent concerns about coronavirus (COVID-19), you might be thinking about skipping the gym. The World Health Org...

Why are my headphones shocking me?

While running on a treadmill or other fitness equipment, a user can quickly build up a static electric charge. The st...

Cardio + Strength Training = Total Workout Success

Exercise keeps us both physically and mentally sharp, and it's an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. If you want t...

The top 3 reasons you should drink more water

For most of us, the importance of drinking enough water is something that we’ve had drilled into us since we were kid...

6 Ways to Maximize Your Elliptical Workout

Ellipticals are fantastic tools for cardiovascular fitness. They don’t artificially elevate your rate of perceived ex...

6 Steps to Create Your Own Fitness & Diet Plan

You're ready to start a new diet or fitness regimen but not quite sure where to begin. It's a common predicament — wi...

From Fad to Fact: HITT Training Just Plain Works

When it comes to guiding people to physical fitness and sports performance, there are two kinds of exercise leaders: ...
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