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Get Started With a Plyo Box Workout 

Compared to state-of-the-art home gyms or high-end treadmills and ellipticals, a modest box might not seem up to snu...

How to Use Treadmill Incline

Many avid runners know that treadmills offer the health benefits of running and walking — without having to battle th...

7 Reasons You Should Do Push-Ups Every Day

The push-up is considered a staple to effective workout routines. It’s simple yet effective for building strength.  S...

A Daily Plan to Lose Weight Fast: Treadmill Walking

There are a few things that challenge us when we start a weight loss journey. First, we know there are many options f...

How to Build a Home Gym on $500 or Less

Let's get real. Obviously, we all dream of a beautiful state-of-the-art home fitness room, complete with high end car...

5 Time Saving Workouts for Work-at-Home Warriors

What are the best workouts to do in the least amount of time? In the age of coronavirus, many people are rebuilding ...

How Seniors Can Live an Active Lifestyle

Staying healthy and active is important at any age. But, as you get older, it becomes even more vital to take care of...

Strength Training without the Bulk

One thing I often hear from clients is they don't want to get too bulky. They don't want to look big like those bodyb...

What to Ask When Shopping for Fitness Equipment

How to Know What Treadmill Is Right for You: The Top 3 Questions When Shopping for Fitness Equipment Ready to get fit...

How to Start Working Out for Beginners

New to exercising? That’s awesome! Exercising brings a host of meaningful benefits to your mind, body, and overall we...

Creating a Fitness Journal

A fitness journal is an incredibly useful tool to help you grow along your fitness journey. With a fitness journal, y...

10 Home Exercise Ideas for kids

Right now, many parents are working from home while their kids engage in distance learning or enjoy time off of schoo...
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