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5 Healthy Holiday Tips

Now is not the time to let yourself slide into unhealthy habits, which is why we’ve got you covered with these tips and tricks to make health a priority this holiday season.

smart holiday food choices

1. Make Smart Food Choices

From Halloween to Christmas, the holiday season tends to make gluttons of us all. Celebrating can become synonymous with overindulging. Here are some ways to keep festive meals and snacks within reasonable bounds:

Search Out Healthy Holiday-Specific Recipes

Nutritious and delicious aren’t antonyms, not even when it comes to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Make classic dishes healthier, or volunteer to contribute a vegetable-focused side to the buffet table.

Make Healthy Choices at Parties and Model Them for the Family

Set a good example. Let moderation be your guide, and come armed with strategies to help you navigate holiday parties and tables buckling under the weight of their feasts.

Stick to Meal Plans and Schedules

When you come hungry, self-control goes out the window. The holidays can wreak havoc with ordinary meal schedules, which is particularly difficult for young children and adolescents. To the best of your ability, stay consistent with healthy snacks and meals.

That said, do plan and allow for treats. An overstrict regimen can hamper diet goals and backfire into binge eating.

2. Get Those Workouts In

Stay active! When the weather gets cold, it’s all too tempting to grab a blanket and snuggle the day away. Layer up and go for a walk, or walk on the treadmill while you watch It’s a Wonderful Life.

If traveling, plan your exercise regimen accordingly. It’s easy to tuck a resistance band into your suitcase or to bust out some push-ups and sit-ups in a hotel room. 

Whatever your holiday exercise concerns, the experts at G&G Fitness Equipment have you covered with the strategies and equipment you need.

3. Practice Self-Care

The holidays are all about family, but don’t neglect your own needs. You might schedule a massage or spa treatment as a gift to yourself. 

holiday self care

More important still, treat your own exercise and wellbeing regimen with the respect it deserves. Prioritize your strength-training, walks, meditation, meal plan, yoga, cardio, and more. The better you take care of yourself, the better you’ll be able to tend to others.

4. Be Safe

No one wants another COVID Christmas, but this season is not the time to ignore CDC-recommended safety protocols.

Make 2021 a holiday season you’re unlikely to forget, and make good memories with friends and family. When planning remote parties, try something different from your weekly chat like a fun theme or game. Or go all out with an epic video cookie-decorating competition.

There are plenty of safe holiday activities for kids, adults, or the whole family. 

5. Stay Connected

G&G Fitness Equipment is here for you! Check out our blog for more healthy holiday tips, and contact us today in order to set yourself up for success.

Have a happy and healthy holiday season!

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