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Octane Cross Circuit Kit - Discontinued


Product image 1Cross-Circuit kit by Octane Fitness for Q37 & Q47 ellipticals
Product image 2Octane Fitness Cross Circuit Kit Cross-Circuit kit by Octane Fitness for Q37 & Q47 ellipticals
Product image 3Cross-Circuit kit by Octane Fitness for Q37 & Q47 ellipticals
Product image 4Octane Cross Circuit Kit - Discontinued

We currently have 4 in stock.

Regular price $399.00

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Take your workouts to a new level with Cross-Circuit™ by Octane Fitness! Exclusive to Octane Fitness Q37 & Q47 ellipticals, these motivating and fun workouts combine cardio sessions with strength intervals to maximize your fitness efficiency and challenge you to continual progress in your fitness regimen.

More Features of the Octane Cross Circuit kit include:

Side Step Platforms: kick your workout into high gear with durable side step platforms

Power Bands: three sets of bands let you engage your upper body without leaving the elliptical footpads  

Extendable Handle Grips: handle grips extend for greater comfort

Instructional Flip Book: get started with a full set of workout ideas that utilize all the kit materials  

Console Integration: keep track of your time and progress with helpful readouts and programming instructions on the Octane elliptical screen

Octane Fitness Kits are ideal for home use. Now you can:

  • Add strength training to your cardio regimen with minimal added expense
  • Get a proven strength training system that’s a favorite of physical trainers
  • Turn your beloved elliptical machine into a multipurpose piece of equipment
  • Workout almost every muscle in your body using just one machine

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