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Force USA Compact Leg Press

G&G Fitness Equipment

Product image 1Force USA Compact Leg Press
Product image 2Force USA Compact Leg Press
Product image 3Force USA Compact Leg Press
Product image 4Force USA Compact Leg Press
Product image 5Force USA Compact Leg Press
Product image 6Force USA Compact Leg Press
Product image 7Force USA Compact Leg Press
Product image 8Force USA Compact Leg Press

Regular price $999.00 Sale price $1,199.00

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Build Rock-Solid Quads, Calves, and Glutes

The Force USA Compact Leg Press is a powerful lower body strength training solution that's perfect for garage gyms or home gyms with limited floor space.

Never skip leg day again with this innovative space-saving leg press that combines a standing leg press and a calf raise into the space of a single compact leg press footprint.

Measuring 65 in deep and 52 in wide, the Force USA Compact Leg Press is designed to use the least amount of floor space while providing the most beneficial leg exercises.

Made of heavy-gauge rolled steel tubing with a lifetime structural warranty and a weight capacity of 660lb, you know it's built to last.

The ultra-smooth track provides a full range of motion from the top all the way to the bottom and back up again. Accommodates user heights up to 6 ft 6 in.

The footplate measures 23 x 20 in so you can target different muscles or different parts of the same muscles by placing your feet wider or closer apart or by turning the foot.

12 in long sleeves allow you to add a greater number of weight plates to help you max out each workout. 

Adjusting the back pad or footplate angle and calf block height is simple thanks to commercial gym pop-pins. Safety pin positioning helps control proximity to the footplate.

See the Force USA Compact Leg Press in Action!

The Nuts and Bolts

  • Stability has been enhanced with wide steel tubing and angled support framing. Solid steel-plated end caps add additional stability.
  • Ultra-smooth motion thanks to the Force USA Hover-Glide mechanism.
  • The hole positions on the Compact Leg Press and included Band Peg adds greater resistance at the peak of the concentric phase.
  • Ergonomic comfort-coated grip handles are positioned on either side. Assists in getting in and out and helps focus on leg drive when exercising with a heavy load.
  • Eco-friendly commercial grade powder coat followed by a clear coating. Durable and long-lasting protection.
  • High-density commercial grade foam padding with ultra-thick laminated wood base. Firm and comfortable.
  • Superior commercial grade vinyl upholstery. Rip-Stop mesh backing helps prevent rips and tears.

* Weight plates sold separately.


52 in (132 cm)
65 in (165 cm)
57 in (145 cm)
Foot Plate:
23 x 20 in
Weight Rating:
660 lb (300 kg)

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