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XM Fitness Strongman Log Bar

XM Fitness

Product image 1XM Fitness Strongman Log Bar
Product image 2XM Fitness Strongman Log Bar
Product image 3XM Fitness Strongman Log Bar
Product image 4XM Fitness Strongman Log Bar
Product image 5XM Fitness Strongman Log Bar
Product image 6XM Fitness Strongman Log Bar
Product image 7XM Fitness Strongman Log Bar
Product image 8XM Fitness Strongman Log Bar

Regular price $389.00 Sale price $444.99

There are many things to be said about The Log, but perhaps we should begin by saying that it is made from over forty kilos of steel.

Recent times have seen a shift away from body-building styles of training, back to ???old school??? methods which transfer directly into athletics - and life - itself.

The Log, along with the atlas stone, is one of the more ???conventional??? implements used in strongman training. It can be used for Olympic lifts like the clean-and-press and snatch as well as their component movements (military and push press and jerk), along with bent-over rows and partial bench presses. The Iron Edge Log is constructed of one solid, fully-welded piece and finished with a textured, matte-black powder-coat finish. The Log???s 50mm sleeves will fit Olympic weights and Lock Jaw collars for a total of 200 additional kilograms, which can be added as your burgeoning muscles require.

  • Total weight 94lbs
  • Includes Collars
  • Weights not included

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