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The Gronk and his brothers stop in!

This past weekend Rob Gronkowski made a pit stop at his father's fitness chain; G&G Fitness in Buffalo NY.  Gronk and his brothers, Gordie and Dan, browsed the store to see the new lines of accessories that G&G Fitness now carries.  These three mammoth 6'6" guys took their time trying out the new products and posing for a few pictures.  In Gronk tradition, Rob spiked a slam ball and almost put a hole in the ground.

The Gronks grew up with their dad's business and attribute a lot of their success to having access to quality fitness equipment growing up.  Rob picked out a few new products for the road, one of them being a power sled.  "Perfect for my training," he said.  Gronk loved the sled's versitility because of its wide variety of the attachments that include a low push bar, landmind insert, and a body harness for sprints and pulls.

Gronk also laid claim to a camo battle rope, a weighted vest, and a wooden plyo box.  With camp right around the corner, he also snatched a foam roller and some acupressue balls for preventative maintenace and recovery.  He commented, "You can never have enough of these things."

Everyone present could tell Gronk was focused on the upcoming football season.  We had an unbelievably hyped time with the Gronks and love their energy.  The Gronk and his brothers were impressed with the quality of the new products and Rob commented that "these new products are legit" and gave them the Gronk approval.


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