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G&G Fitness Equipment: the Dayton Airforce Marathon!

The 2016 United States Air Force Marathon in Dayton, Ohio is a huge event, and a staple in the community. It was such a pleasure to meet so many interesting fitness enthusiasts from all over the country who came to Dayton to participate in the 5k, 10k, half or full marathon. Our G&G Fitness booth on the arena floor was indeed the place to be; the music was rocking, the energy was high, and our guests tried out the Octane Fitness Zero Runner- a 21st century zero-impact running machine! The highlight of the weekend was when Meb Keflezighi stopped by to say hello and talk about the ElliptiGO- an elliptical you ride outdoors!  I can't wait to do it again next year, and to the man I saw at the finish line, who stood up from his wheelchair to cross on his own two feet, I just wanted to say that you very much inspired me that day to continue pushing and believing. Thank you sir, and congrats, finisher!

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