Home Workout Challenge

Are your home workouts getting a little stale? There's no reason for that. Join our Home Workout Challenge to inject new life into your home workout routine. With our workout tips, you'll enjoy exercising at home again in no time.

Here are 5 ideas and workout tips to make exercising at home more fun:

1. Compete with Friends & Family

A little healthy competition is a great way to motivate yourself to work out harder and more often. Talk to some fitness-minded friends and figure out the best ways to challenge each other. Or, grab your kids and create a family challenge! Here are some suggestions for exercise metrics to compete over:

  • Workouts per week
  • Completed reps or sets 
  • Steps per day
  • Miles run per week
  • Maximum weight lifted

2. Add Variety to Your Exercise

Everyone would get bored if they did the same activity day in and day out for too long. If you've been feeling less excited about your home workouts, add variety. 

  • If you're into yoga, try spinning. 
  • If you're into spinning, try lifting weights. 
  • If you lift weights, maybe it's time to dance to some hip-hop. 

Speaking of music...

3. Play Some New Tunes

workout musicThe right song will get you in the right headspace for a fun and strenuous workout. No sad songs here! (Have a great workout song? Share it in the comments below!) Look for pump-up music that gets you hyped up, whether that's '80s pop like Madonna or intense heavy metal. Whatever gets you into the groove works! You'll start moving to the beat and before you know it, you’ll be done with your workout.

4. Start Streaming

If you're really struggling to get off the couch and into the workout zone, let your desire to watch TV work in your favor. You know that new Netflix series with 12 episodes you’re planning to binge? Tell yourself you’re only allowed to watch it while walking on the treadmill. Or spinning. Or stretching. Or lifting weights. You get the idea.

When you tie streaming shows to your workouts, you begin to create a positive association. Instead of dreading your workouts, you will look forward to seeing what happens next with your favorite characters. When you get really into a show, you won't even realize you were working out while watching!

5. Reward Yourself

Another great way to motivate yourself is to create a reward system. After you work out, treat yourself with something healthy like a warm bath or a fresh green smoothie. 

If you meet your weekly or monthly fitness goals, reward yourself with something larger, like workout gear or clothes you've been wanting to buy. Not only will you feel accomplished, but you'll also build momentum and excitement around your home workouts.


Ready to build the home fitness room of your dreams? 

Request a free consultation here.

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