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G&G FitPick: Octane Fitness XR6xi


Every week, one of our expert team members makes a recommendation of one of their favorite products and explains why they recommend it to their clients and friends.

This week, Alyssa Beckfrom our Pittsburgh store, recommends the Octane Fitness XR6xi.

"I find that the XR6 is a great piece for individuals of all exercise backgrounds -- whether well-versed in fitness, recovering from an injury, or just starting out," Alyssa explains. "The seat is easily accessible, and since it has 15 height adjustments, it is a comfortable fit for many shapes and sizes. The seat also tilts to 5 different angles, which means that you will be able to find a position that feels best for you; it helps open the hip flexor muscles and take the strain off of your back. The design of the piece enables the user a greater level of gluteal muscle activation, which in turn, burns more calories for a more effective workout.

"A lot of recumbent bikes do not grant the user much upper body activation, but the XR6 has moving arms and a "Chest Press" workout feature on the console that give the user the option to work upper body in addition to their legs. This function distinguishes the piece, because it really can be used for a total-body workout.

"For users who may want more strength training to go along with their cardio, this designated "seated elliptical" is also SmartLink compatible, so you can access Octane's other workouts, whether on or off your XR6!"

Questions? Feel free use the button below to chat with us! Or you can email Alyssa at!

*Some restrictions may apply. See store for details. May not be combined with any other offers or discounts.

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  • I am a former member of lifetime fitness and used this type of machine ALL the time. I would like to purchase something similar for home use, but do not have $4,000 to spend. What do you recommend? Also, do you have a floor model or used version of the Octane Fitness version? Thank you very much.


    So I am looking for this type of recumbent bike – one with upper body work-out also. I am 67, good health, still in the workforce, etc…

    I would really like to know the cost of this type of equipment and/or if you have any close-out models of same.

    Thanks so much,

    Charlotte M Gooden

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