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G&G FitPick: Iron Dumbbells

It's the perfect time to renew or begin a new fitness routine.

We're excited to help get you started with new Iron Dumbbells

Heads are cast completely around and through two high carbon Roll Pins permanently embedded in the steel handles. No matter how much they're abused, they won't break. Specially designed hexagonal shape prevents rolling and assures safer workouts. Raised silver numbers for easy readability and quick selection. All edges and corners are ground smooth for safe handling.

Available in: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70.

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Questions? Stop by one of your local G&G Fitness Equipment showrooms to speak with an expert fitness consultant today!

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**May not be combined with any other offers or discounts.

***Prices are for single dumbbells (Each is Sold Separately)


users also search for: dumb bells dumbell dum bell dumbel dummbell 


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1 comment

  • I am interested in buying some equipment for my home

    Ahsan khan

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