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Special DIY Disinfection Package Offers

We have been hard at work searching for a partner to provide you with an affordable option for COVID-19 disinfection product packages and ultimately we have decided to partner with Purify Global, a leading authority in this space.

They have created a duplicatable process for safely and effectively disinfecting your business properly against COVID-19 and have generously agreed to put a special product package together for you!

Special DIY Disinfection Package Offers

for G&G Customers only.


DIY Disinfection for gyms and athletic centers covid19 corona

Affordable Daily Disinfection

Save $1000's Monthly on Service Bills

Safely Reopen with a Scalable Disinfection Plan


•One Top-of-the-Line Fogging Machine.

•One Month Supply of CDC Listed/EPA Approved Chemicals.

•One Partner To Provide A Process To Help Keep You Safe.



Purify Global

For more information, contact Purify Global at (585)510-2600.




A top-of-the-line mobile fogging unit to create and disperse disinfectant into fine a mist that effectively kills microorganisms including COVID-19. The unit is capable of supersaturating the atmosphere with the disinfectant.


Our disinfectants are CDC listed and EPA-approved and 99.9% effective in killing COVID-19. While it is non-hazardous, it is highly effective in eliminating pathogens on all types of surfaces including metal, wood, glass, tile, and even fabric without any damage.


With your purchase you will receive our full process for safely and effectively disinfecting your business. We have used this same process to successfully disinfect millions of square feet and counting. We will provide an e-checklist and videos to help you do
the same thing.


Once your package is ordered the delivery process takes only 5-10 business days. You can reach us by phone or email with any questions pertaining to your purchase. Our response time is typically 24 hours or less.

Stay safe and feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions.


Tony Giordano
Director of Commercial Sales



We'd also like to take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us directly.

We are always here to help you live fit.

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Click here to view articles that may help with your fitness goals during this challenging time.

Thank you,

Tim Garbach
Director of Consumer Sales

Tony Giordano
Director of Commercial Sales

Chad Berwaldt
Director of Service


Ready to build the home fitness room of your dreams? 

Request a free consultation here.

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