Get top dollar for your used gym gear! 💪 Trade in, trade up!

Tony Giordano, Director of Commercial Sales

"G&G Fitness' Commercial Fitness Consultants are experts at helping you choose the right equipment to meet your wellness center's needs, but that's not all they do. Our commitment to our customers begins with the equipment and ends with your complete satisfaction."

Tony has been with G&G Fitness Equipment since 1994. He has worked in all regions, in many capacities. He currently Directs the Commercial Division. He holds a BS in Marketing from Canisius College.

Tony has worked in the fitness equipment industry since 1989. Tony has won a multitude of awards during his time at G&G Fitness Equipment, and is one of the most experienced fitness equipment professionals in the industry.

His personal motto is: Good luck comes to those who work hard.

Tony is married to Tiffany, and has two daughters, Bella and Mia. He is passionate about health, nutrition and fitness.


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If you’re ready to take the next steps in your fitness journey, contact the experts at G&G Fitness Equipment today! Contact your local  G&G Fitness Equipment showroom and let us show you why we are the best specialty fitness equipment retailer in the northeast.


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1 comment

  • Tony,

    I’ve got a new apartment complex going up in Cincinatti and would love a proposal to provide the fitness equipment. I’ll be happy to email you the room layout and preferred equipment.

    Thank you,
    William cochran

    William Cochran

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